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Will flying car stocks take off in 2024?

Investors could see their portfolios take off in 2024 by investing in leading flying car stocks poised for substantial growth. Projections hint at a potential $3.8 billion market by 2035 and an explosive $1.5 trillion opportunity circa 2040.

Are people ready to get excited about flying car stocks?

In the modern age, people are ready to get excited about flying car industry stocks. Excitement continues to build around flying car stocks following recent positive news in the sector. California startup Alef Auto got FAA certification to test its Model A vehicle.

Is it a good time to buy flying car stocks?

Therefore, it’s a good time to buy the best stocks before they surge higher. Regarding industry potential, it’s estimated that the global flying car market will be worth $920.5 million by 2030. Further, the market size is expected to hit $1 trillion by 2040. Some of the best flying car companies are already pursuing global expansion.

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